When a PC Knows Its Owner

Perceptual computing describes a computer's ability to understand voice, hand and facial gestures. Anil Nanduri, director of perceptual computing solutions and products at Intel, describes how computers can
 get to know and respond to voice and gestures. Image: Screen Shot On Video
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"LlibreOffice" Free And Delight-Full Alternative To MS-office

Its a very better off free package for home and business user, furnishing all kinds of strong suits as compare to contemporary demand or its even better whatever you want from an office package almost you can avail or more just give half an hour to understand its casual functionality and get ready as LibreOffice is spontaneous and easy to use, and Numerous masses who work with it all day have never faced at a manual – including moving Microsoft Office users, who normally discover all the characteristics they demand are in logical, easy-to-guess places. Plus, when you do need to check something, the built-in help is a valuable aid that answers most of your inquiries. But, for numerous masses, aught renews a good user escort that Teaches you step-by-step how to do what you condition to do. Accomplished LibreOffice user guides are available at following links LibreOffice: "Documentation" as well this page on the wiki. to confirm the composition of the package as per your requirements if you want to obtain this free opportunity, you need to click on following Link: Download or visit another link for your choice of downloads http://www.libreoffice.org/download/, Image: flickr.com
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By 2018 computers 'will have 5 senses

Some day soon, you'll be able to order a wedding dress on your tablet and feel the fabric and the veil just by touching the screen. When you feel an object, your brain registers the series of vibrations on your skin as being smooth, rough, sharp, etc. Computer sensors are becoming sophisticated enough to do that too.Within the next five years, vibrators within smartphones will be precise enough that they could be designed to mimic the vibrations experienced when your fingers touch a particular surface. Even though you'll  just be touching glass, it will feel like you're touching whatever object is displayed on the screen. Source: The Coming Crisis
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US Titan Supercomputer Clocked as World's Fastest

The fastest supercomputer, Titan, was sixth on the list when it was was compiled in June
TENNESSEE, USA – The top two spots on the list of the world's most powerful supercomputers have both been captured by the US. The last time the country was in a similar position was three years ago. The fastest machine - Titan, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee - is an upgrade of Jaguar, the system which held the top spot in 2009. The supercomputer will be used to help develop more energy-efficient engines for vehicles, model climate change and research biofuels. It can also be rented to third-parties, and is operated as part of the US Department of Energy's network of research labs. The Top 500 list of supercomputers was published by Hans Muer, professor of computer science at Mannheim, who has been keeping track of developments since 1986. It was released at the SC12 supercomputing conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.Mixed processors Titan leapfrogged the previous champion IBM's Sequoia - which is used to carry out simulations to help extend the life of nuclear weapons - thanks to its mix of central processing unit (CPU) and graphics processing unit (GPU) technologies. According to the Linpack benchmark it operates at 17.59 petaflop/sec - the equivalent of 17,590 trillion calculations per second. The benchmark measures real-world performance - but in theory the machine can boost that to a "peak performance" of more than 20 petaflop/sec. To achieve this the device has been fitted with 18,688 Tesla K20x GPU modules made by Nvidia to work alongside its pre-existing CPUs.  Traditionally
supercomputers relied only on CPUs. CPU cores are designed to carry out a single set of instructions at a time, making them well suited for tasks in which the answer to one calculation is used to work out the next. GPU cores are typically slower at carrying out individual calculations, but make up for this by being able to carry out many at the same time. This makes them best suited for "parallellisable jobs" - processes that can be broken down into several parts that are then run simultaneously. Mixing CPUs and GPUs together allows the most appropriate core to carry out each process. Nvidia said that in most instances its GPUs now carried out about 90% of Titan's workload. "Basing Titan on Tesla GPUs allows Oak Ridge to run phenomenally complex applications at scale, and validates the use of 'accelerated computing' to address our most pressing scientific problems," said Steve Scott, chief technology officer of the GPU accelerated computing business at Nvidia. The other top systems included: (1) Fujitsu's K computer at the Riken Advanced Institute for Computational Science in Kobe, Japan, which was in third spot. (2) IBM's BlueGene/Q Mira computer at Argonne National Library, near Chicago in the US, which came fourth. (3) Another IBM BlueGene/Q system, called Juqueen, at the Forschungszentrum Juelich in Germany - Europe's fastest - which came fifth. Out of the top 500 computers, 62 used a mix of CPU and GPU processors. Six months ago the figure was 58. Source: Korea Times
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Scientists Want To Figure Out Just How Evil A Computer Can Be

Cambridge University
Philosophers and scientists at Britain's Cambridge University think the question deserves serious study. A proposed Center for the Study of Existential Risk will bring together experts to consider the ways in which super intelligent technology, including artificial intelligence, could "threaten our own existence," the institution said Sunday. "In the case of artificial intelligence, it seems a reasonable prediction that some time in this or the next century intelligence will escape from the constraints of biology," Cambridge philosophy professor Huw Price said. When that happens, "we're no longer the smartest things around," he said, and will risk being at the mercy of "machines that are not malicious, but machines whose interests don't include us." Fears that machines could overtake humans have long been the subject of science fiction — the computer HAL in the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey," for example, is one of film's best-known computer threats. While Price said the exact nature of the risks is difficult to predict, he said that advanced technology could be a threat when computers start to direct resources towards their own goals, at the expense of human concerns like environmental sustainability. He compared the risk to the way humans have threatened the survival of other animals by spreading across the planet and using up natural resources that other animals depend upon. Price is co-founding the project together with Cambridge professor of cosmology and astrophysics Martin Rees and Jann Tallinn, one of the founders of the internet phone service Skype. Source: SAM Daily TimesImage: flickr.com
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