Image guided lumbar nerve root sleeve injection

Anatomy of the lumbar spine Prof Mark Khangure, Dr Jason Wenderoth, January 31, 2012, 1. What is a lumbar nerve root sleeve injection? The spine is made up of bones called vertebrae. Between each vertebra is a ‘disc’ that allows the spine to be flexible. In between adjacent vertebrae, there is an opening on each side called a ‘foramen’, through which a nerve exits on its way to the buttock or leg. The nerve is surrounded by a ‘sleeve of fat’. Injection of corticosteroid (or ‘steroid’) and/or a local anaesthetic in the fat surrounding the nerve root is called nerve root sleeve injection. Corticosteroid medication decreases inflammation in the nerve root and will often reduce pain caused by nerve root inflammation, irritation of the nerve caused by arthritis or conditions such as disc degeneration or prolapsed disc (where the disc bulges). 2. Why would my doctor refer me to have this procedure? Back and/or leg pain can come from compression of the nerve as it passes through the foramen. Compression can come from a damaged, bulging disc or from extra bone that grows as a response to arthritis in the joints between the vertebrae. Inflammation from scar tissue and swelling after surgery on the spine can also irritate the nerves in the lower back. An injection of corticosteroid around the nerve root may alleviate the pain...
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When a PC Knows Its Owner

Perceptual computing describes a computer's ability to understand voice, hand and facial gestures. Anil Nanduri, director of perceptual computing solutions and products at Intel, describes how computers can  get to know and respond to voice and gestures. Image: Screen Shot On Video...
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