New technology can 'pull' a show on TV onto tablet

Do you hate missing out on your favourite TV show just because you had to rush out of the house? A new technology can now 'pull' the programme on your TV screen onto your tablet so you can watch it on the go! A scientist from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore has developed an innovative multi-screen mobile social television experience called the 'Social Cloud TV'. Wen Yonggang, assistant professor from the School of Computer Engineering has described his invention as the next frontier of television experience as you can now "bring the social experience of watching television in your living room wherever you go". The system allows you to watch TV programmes and online videos with your family and friends at the same time. The system leverages a cloud backend for media processing, such that the same video can be streamed into devices in the most suitable format. When viewing a TV show or perhaps a live soccer match, you can invite family and friends to join your session, from either your phone book or social networking contact lists. "You could watch a video with your class mates on the computer, and just before you leave school, 'pull' the show into your tablet and continue watching on the go," Wen said in a statement. "Upon reaching home, you could just turn on your television...
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NASA's Cassini Spacecraft Obtains Best Views of Saturn Hexagon.

This colorful view from NASA's Cassini mission is the highest-resolution view of the unique six-sided jet stream at Saturn's north pole known as "the hexagon." This movie, made from images obtained by Cassini's imaging cameras, is the first to show the hexagon in color filters, and the first movie to show a complete view from the north pole down to about 70 degrees north latitude. Scientists can see the motion of a wide variety of cloud structures that reside within the hexagon in this movie. There is a massive hurricane tightly centered on the north pole, with an eye about 50 times larger than the average hurricane eye on Earth. (More information about that Saturn hurricane is at PIA14947.) Numerous small vortices are also present, which appear as reddish ovals. Some of these vortices spin clockwise while the hexagon and hurricane spin counterclockwise. Some of those smaller features are swept along with the jet stream of the hexagon, as if on a racetrack. The biggest of these vortices, seen near the lower right corner of the hexagon and appearing whitish, spans about 2,200 miles (3,500 kilometers), approximately twice the size of the largest hurricane on Earth. The differences in this version of the movie, in which different wavelengths of light from ultraviolet to visible to infrared have been assigned colors, show a distinct...
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