Concerning about Unidentified flying objects (UFO’S) are only relate to the calculation of their positive ability index. As Positive means development and negative means demolishment, and time is the biggest terms move along with population and its exploration with respect to various field of doing. Productivity is the goal to achieve to move along with time or beyond time. It’s called moving in time frame or doing a rate of time travel. With Respect to earth as model humanity is a very big term of time as it's being with pure value of development with coordination.As Human has a brain of vision and program with feel and curiosity which are the nucleus of human so we can say so as human we are on earth for managing the earth resources along with its proper utilization and distributions among each as with nature.So legality is the biggest term of humanity. As it’s manage human in right direction and reduce the rate of resistance among the various field of exploration and their proper integration.As its being with a rate of positive ability index which is defined the rate of development and human movements on earth as well all across the planetary system.As it’s a simple formulation of humanity on earth which moves with positive frame of time with the enhancement of its population which is bounded by legal frame work for the positive...