As Human has a brain of vision and program with feel and curiosity which are the nucleus of human so we can say so as human we are on earth for managing the earth resources along with its proper utilization and distributions among each as with nature.
So legality is the biggest term of humanity. As it’s manage human in right direction and reduce the rate of resistance among the various field of exploration and their proper integration.
As its being with a rate of positive ability index which is defined the rate of development and human movements on earth as well all across the planetary system.
As it’s a simple formulation of humanity on earth which moves with positive frame of time with the enhancement of its population which is bounded by legal frame work for the positive directions of mass of the people on earth which provides earth explorations and its massive integration provide a rate of productivity which is the sign to do time travel or move beyond time. So acceptance of legal data, terms provides nonstop improvements in the exploration of earth which is a nonstop process runs in infinite terms.
Positive Ability Index of humans mean variable less doings of humans or any species all across the planetary system and as time progresses we use to find the springs of liberty to move far ahead on earth as well in outer space as like UFO’S (advance species with a level of advancement to move on earth or all across the planetary system)
So thinking about UFO’S (Aliens) are as demon is just a myth of imagination if they are not being with positive ability index then their movement in time and advancement is not possible.
So world must need to save itself from any kinds of war, negativity as humanity got current time after the thousands of years of hardship of generations and era of incarnations and once any strong negativity comes then humanity will run in backward of time frame.
So positivism provides explorations with term of infinity and its integration produce a real process of time travel which applicable on universe’s including earth as whole. Positivism is subject to divine and negativity is subject to demon both has time travel on upwards and second downwards. Image Pixabay License, Free for commercial use, No attribution required