New Delhi, April 11 (IANS) While advancing age remains a prominent risk factor for Parkinson’s disease, health experts on Thursday expressed concerns over the increasing early onset of the neurodegenerative disease, among people under the age of 50.
According to a 2022 study published in the journal Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, India has an increasing prevalence of Parkinson’s disease, with the average age of onset almost a decade younger in comparison to other countries.
“The prevailing myth that Parkinson's primarily afflicts older individuals is rapidly dissipating in light of evolving epidemiological trends and clinical observations. The recent surge in early-onset Parkinson's cases, particularly in countries like India where a significant proportion of patients experience motor symptoms before the age of 50, challenges this misconception,” Dr Aashka Ponda, Consultant Neuro-physician, Bhailal Amin General Hospital, Vadodara, told IANS.
Even though age continues to be the major risk factor, emerging evidence highlights the role of environmental toxins, genetic predispositions, and lifestyle factors in precipitating Parkinson's onset at younger ages.
“Factors such as exposure to pesticides, air pollution, and dietary habits intersect with genetic susceptibilities to shape the disease trajectory, challenging the notion of Parkinson's as an exclusive affliction of the elderly,” the doctor said.
Characterised by symptoms such as reduced movement speed, stiffness, tremors, and impaired balance or posture, Parkinson's can substantially disrupt daily activities and mobility, leading to distress.
Parkinson's disease patients contend not only with motor symptoms like tremors, slowness, stiffness, and postural instability but also grapple with often overlooked non-motor manifestations such as sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression, and cognitive impairments.
“With a substantial portion of Parkinson's patients falling within the younger age bracket, it's imperative to recognise that this neurological disorder does not discriminate solely based on age. Instead, a multifaceted interplay of genetic predispositions, environmental exposures, and comorbidities underscore the complexity of Parkinson's aetiology,” Dr. Aashka said.
“Early detection and effective management of Parkinson's disease play a pivotal role in enhancing symptom management, slowing down disease advancement, and averting complications, thereby enhancing the patient's overall quality of life,” added Dr. Sanjay Pandey, HoD, Neurology and Stroke Medicine, Amrita Hospital, Faridabad.
How a healthy diet can help people with Parkinson's
Diet plays a key role in managing Parkinson's disease, as it can raise the risk of weight loss and malnutrition, said experts on World Parkinson's Day on Thursday.
World Parkinson's Day is observed every year on April 11 to raise awareness about the neurological condition that leads to progressive impairment of motor functions and includes tremors, painful muscle contractions, and difficulty in speaking, eating, and sleeping.
While there is no superfood, eating a well-balanced diet with plenty of whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables, lean protein, beans and legumes, and whole grains, with adequate hydration, not only boosts general well-being but also improves patients' ability to deal with symptoms of the disease.
"Parkinson's disease is defined as a neurodegenerative disorder that impacts the quality of life and decreases nutritional status. Nutrition may modify the risk factors but there is no preventive curative therapy as per studies. No single nutrient acts like a superfood but it is a combination of functional foods and dietary patterns that impacts the risk of disease," Sweedal Trinidade, Chief Dietician, P. D. Hinduja Hospital & MRC, Mahim, told IANS.
"Regular monitoring of nutritional status is vital for individuals with Parkinson's disease as poor nutrition can significantly impact their health outcomes. Parkinson's patients often experience significant weight loss, increasing the risk of malnutrition and exacerbating disease severity. Therefore, it's essential to maintain a balanced diet, consume meals at shorter intervals, and ensure adequate hydration," added Charu Dua, Chief Clinical Nutritionist, at Amrita Hospital, Faridabad.
The experts noted that incorporating healthy fats and spreading out protein intake throughout the day can optimise medication effectiveness and support muscle health.
Sweedal emphasised the need to consume an antioxidant-rich diet -- known to reduce the pace of the ageing process -- to get a neuroprotective effect.
"A diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides us with an adequate dose of antioxidants, such as vitamins A, B, C, and E that are known to decrease metabolic failure in antioxidant mechanisms that may increase chemical processes that can lead to lipid peroxidation and parkinsonian characteristics," she said.
She recommended eating fresh fruits and vegetables rich in lycopene, beta carotenoids, riboflavin, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli but warned against dairy products.
"Studies have shown that high consumption of dairy products may often result in low serum uric acid levels. Serum uric acid is inversely proportional to the risk of Parkinson’s. However, more evidence is needed to support the same in men and women," Sweedal said.
Meanwhile, Charu stressed a high-fibre diet that can help prevent constipation -- a common issue in Parkinson's patients."Including flavonoids from sources like soy, known for their osteogenic effects, may offer neuroprotective benefits. Likewise, polyphenol-rich foods such as berries, nuts, broccoli, and olive oil possess antioxidant properties that can potentially protect against neurodegeneration," the expert said.Parkinson’s disease: Why it is striking people under 50 | MorungExpress |