Alien Abductions May Be Vivid Dreams, Study Shows

Researchers say they have conducted "the first experiment to ever prove that close encounters with UFOs and extraterrestrials are a product of the human mind." In a sleep study by the Out-Of-Body Experience Research Center in Los Angeles, 20 volunteers were instructed to perform a series of mental steps upon waking up or becoming lucid during the night that might lead them to have out-of-body experiences culminating in perceived encounters with aliens. According to lead researcher Michael Raduga, more than half the volunteers experienced at least one full or partial out-of-body experience, and seven of them were able to make contact with UFOs or extraterrestrials during these dream-like experiences. Raduga designed the experiment to test his theory that many reports of alien encounters are actually instances of people experiencing a vibrant, lifelike state of dreaming. If he could coach people to dream a realistic alien encounter, he said, that could prove that many reports of such encounters — such as alien abductions that take place during the night — are really just products of peoples' imaginations. Raduga's OOBE Research Center is not affiliated with any academic institutions, and the new research has not been published in a peer-reviewed journal. "When people experience alien abductions in the night, they usually don't know they are actually in REM sleep and having an out-of-body experience," Raduga told Life's Little Mysteries, adding than an estimated 1 million Americans have such experiences each year. "It's very realistic and people cannot understand how it happens. [Our study] shows that it's not about aliens, it's about human abilities, and it can happen to almost anyone." [7 Things that Create Convincing UFO Sightings ] Study participants were told to try to "separate from their bodies" every time they became half-awake or lucid during the night. If they were able to dream that they had separated from their sleeping bodies, they were then supposed to look for aliens in their homes. If they were unable to have an out-of-body dream experience, they were told to go back to sleep and try again later in the night. "Some could do it by the first attempt. Some needed three to five attempts to have an out-of-body experience. Not everybody could do it — some were unable to do it because of their fear. They were able to separate from their body but they became too afraid to look for aliens," Raduga said. By the end of the study, 35 percent of the volunteers said they had made visual contact with aliens, and they described their encounters for the researchers. One participant, identified as Alexander N., recalled making a successful attempt to separate from his body: "I [then] tried to find aliens. Three of them materialized right before my eyes. They seemed more like creatures from the movie 'The Thing' than tadpoles with eyes like Princess Jasmine. They wanted to scare me, not to 'make contact.' As a result, I was extremely frightened and regained awareness in my own body." Raduga plans to publish his results and to conduct further studies on humans' ability to fabricate alien encounters that seem real. Source: Article
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Aliens may be discovered within 20 years, US astronomers believe

Astronomers and space enthusiasts around the world have long been baffled by the question - is there life beyond Earth? Now, two of the United States' top astronomers are telling the public it is only a matter of 20 years.
Director Dan Werthimer of the Berkeley SETI Research Center and senior astronomer Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California in a meeting Wednesday with the science committee of the US House of Representatives opened the discussions by enumerating the efforts of space agencies and SETI in searching for other life forms in neighboring planets and galaxies. Over the past 50 years, multiple attempts have been made to look for signs of alien life beyond Earth. Now scientists have discovered billions of Earth-like planets within our own Milky Way galaxy alone – and they are located within a "habitable" zone suitable for life - Werthimer suggested, "The universe is likely to be teeming with primitive life." "Billions of these planets are Earth-sized and in the 'habitable' or so called 'Goldilocks' zone - not too distant from their host star (too cold), and not too close to their star (too hot). And there are billions of other galaxies outside our Milky Way galaxy - plenty of places where life could emerge and evolve," he said. "At least a half-dozen other worlds (besides Earth) that might have life are in our solar system," Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at SETI Institute, caonfirmed, adding. "The chances of finding it, I think, are good, and if that happens, it’ll happen in the next 20 years, depending on the financing." SETI programs, according to the institute, use the world's largest radio and optical telescopes to search for evidence of advanced civilizations and their technology on distant planets. NASA's Kepler space probe, which is expected to resume operations following the approval of the K2 mission, is even cited by the SETI astronomers as one of the major contributors to the quest. Werthimer said through Kepler's eyes, scientists were able to gaze at approximately two thousand of Milky Way Galaxy's planets and probably trillions of them are out there, outshining even the known number of stars. Werthimer and Shostak also bared new projects, such as the "eavesdropping SETI," in which they would use sophisticated tools to listen to two far-flung planets the moment they aligned to Earth in case their respective life forms plan to exchange messages through radio signals, and the Allen Telescope Array of small dishes situated in California. As noted by the Huffington Post, Werthimer also submitted written testimony to lawmakers, in which he noted that the search for intelligent life also deserved more funding from Congress. Source: The Voice of Russia
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Alien Life on Earth? 'Little Bugs' microbe discovery: NASA

The discovery of a strange bacteria that can use arsenic as one of its nutrients widens the scope for finding new forms of life on Earth and possibly beyond, NASA scientists said on Thursday. While researchers discovered the unusual bacteria here on Earth, they say it shows that life has possibilities beyond the major elements that have been considered essential. Six major elements have long been considered essential for life - carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulphur. At a news conference on Thursday at NASA headquarters in Washington, researchers announced that they had found that a bacteria, discovered in Mono Lake, California, is able to continue to grow after substituting arsenic for phosphorus. 
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Woman has abortion, claims fetus is half alien - News - Society

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Giovanna, a 41-year-old Italian woman, had an abortion back in 2010 because she claims she was kidnapped and impregnated by an alien life form. She believes that this was not the first time she has become pregnant from aliens. It is suggested that the creatures take the fetus in just two months’ time. (VIDEO)
Extraterrestrial beings have been visiting Giovanna since she was four-years-old, according to her story. They have told her telepathically that their mission is to create a hybrid race which is close to their genetic makeup. She states that the aliens believe there is a biological similarity between the human race and their species. When Giovanna went to the medical clinic to see about her pregnancy, doctors discovered a cardiac rhythm that was close to one of a baby’s. However, doctors could not find a baby and since Giovanna said she was having difficulties with the fetus, an abortion was conducted. The end result was a placenta and hybrid human. The entire abortion was filmed. Documentation of what the half-human half-alien looks like can be seen below at minute five of the video. Piles of other evidence have been collected by Giovanna over the years. She has taken videos and photos from her phone of the spacecraft. Additionally, unknown markings have surfaced on her body without any recollection of how these injuries happened. Medical professionals also spotted an implant in her head but could not find the scar which would have proven how it got there in the first place. Voice of Russia, The Canadian, YouTube Source: Article,
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Do Alien Civilizations Inevitably ‘Go Green’?

In the famous words of Arthur C. Clarke, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” This phrase is often quoted to express the idea that an alien civilization which may be thousands or millions of years older than us would have technology so far ahead of ours that to us it would appear to be “magic.” Now, a variation of that thought has come from Canadian science fiction writer Karl Schroeder, who posits that ”any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from nature.” The reasoning is that if a civilization manages to exist that long, it would inevitably “go green” to such an extent that it would no longer leave any detectable waste products behind. Its artificial signatures would blend in with those of the natural universe, making it much more difficult to detect them by simply searching for artificial constructs versus natural ones. The idea has been proposed as an explanation for why we haven’t found them yet, based on the premise that such advanced societies would have visited and colonized our entire galaxy by now (known as the Fermi Paradox). The question becomes more interesting in light of the fact that astronomers now estimate that there are billions of other planets in our galaxy alone. If a civilization reaches such a “balance with nature” as a natural progression, it may mean that traditional methods of searching for them, like SETI, will ultimately fail. Of course, it is possible, perhaps even likely, that civilizations much older than us would have advanced far beyond radio technology anyway. SETI itself is based on the assumption that some of them may still be using that technology. Another branch of SETI is searching for light pulses such as intentional beacons as opposed to radio signals. But even other alternate searches, such as SETT (Search for Extraterrestrial Technology), may not pan out either, if this new scenario is correct. SETT looks for things like the spectral signature of nuclear fission waste being dumped into a star, or leaking tritium from alien fusion powerplants. Another solution to the Fermi Paradox states that advanced civilizations will ultimately destroy themselves. Before they do though, they could have already sent out robotic probes to many places in the galaxy. If those probes were technologically savvy enough to self-replicate, they could have spread themselves widely across the cosmos. If there were any in our solar system, we could conceivably find them. Yet this idea could also come back around to the new hypothesis – if these probes were advanced enough to be truly “green” and not leave any environmental traces, they might be a lot harder to find, blending in with natural objects in the solar system. It’s an intriguing new take on an old question. It can also be taken as a lesson – if we can learn to survive our own technological advances long enough, we can ultimately become more of a green civilization ourselves, co-existing comfortably with the natural universe around us. Source: Article.
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