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Giovanna, a 41-year-old Italian woman, had an abortion back in 2010 because she claims she was kidnapped and impregnated by an alien life form. She believes that this was not the first time she has become pregnant from aliens. It is suggested that the creatures take the fetus in just two months’ time. (VIDEO)
Extraterrestrial beings have been visiting Giovanna since she was four-years-old, according to her story. They have told her telepathically that their mission is to create a hybrid race which is close to their genetic makeup. She states that the aliens believe there is a biological similarity between the human race and their species. When Giovanna went to the medical clinic to see about her pregnancy, doctors discovered a cardiac rhythm that was close to one of a baby’s. However, doctors could not find a baby and since Giovanna said she was having difficulties with the fetus, an abortion was conducted. The end result was a placenta and hybrid human. The entire abortion was filmed. Documentation of what the half-human half-alien looks like can be seen below at minute five of the video. Piles of other evidence have been collected by Giovanna over the years. She has taken videos and photos from her phone of the spacecraft. Additionally, unknown markings have surfaced on her body without any recollection of how these injuries happened. Medical professionals also spotted an implant in her head but could not find the scar which would have proven how it got there in the first place. Voice of Russia, The Canadian, YouTube Source: Article,