Samsung Galaxy SIII |
The Ultimate Update: As Samsung allies with other big tech firms to make the wireless charger widespread, wireless battery charger is possible for other electronic device as well. One of the biggest surprises at Samsung's Galaxy S3 launch last week was a charger that powered the smartphone wirelessly - but now it seems that the technology could soon be widespread. Samsung, Qualcomm and other tech companies have joined forces to establish a single standard to allow devices to charge wirelessly - using a technology similar to the one in electric toothbrushes today. One single charger will 'beam' power to several devices at once - and the chargers could even work in cars. A single standard could also mean that the new wireless era isn't plagued with the problem of 'finding the right cable' - one wireless technology should (hopefully) work for all. Wireless technology leaders Samsung and Qualcomm Incorporated have joined other technology leaders to form the Alliance for Wireless Power (A4WP), it was announced today. The A4WP will focus on a new wireless power transfer technology that provides spatial freedom for charging of electrical devices in cars, on tabletops and for multiple devices simultaneously. Benefits of this wireless power approach include: a transmitter and receiverantenna design that is easily implemented, a simple wireless power control system, and the ability to transfer power through non-metallic surfaces. A single
specification is envisioned that will address simultaneous charging of multiple devices ranging from very low power products, such as Bluetooth headsets, to today’s most sophisticated tablets. Jason dePreaux, a research manager at IMS Research comments, ‘Wireless power has the potential to increase convenience and improve the user experience in consumer devices like mobile phones by untethering the charging process. 'For these benefits to be realized, wireless power infrastructure must be deployed to enable wireless charge points in the home, at work, or while traveling without concern for compatibility. Industry alliances will play a critical role in developing this infrastructure.’
Source: The Ultimate Update