Demonstrating his creation at the university Thursday, Shyam R. Nair said Sam had 32 individual movement points, including an elbow joint. The andro humanoid built spending Rs 3.6 lakh and 14 months works with unbounded wireless connectivity, making it move freely anywhere its controller wants. “It responds to commands from a computer with a specialised programme and controlling communication protocol. The andro humanoid is in its first stages of development and can only perform limited tasks such as turning its head and hip around, moving from one place to another and lifting weights. I will add more features to make it fully functional. As this needs more research, it will take time,” Mr Nair said, adding, “My humanoid can also be used as a soldier in a battlefield and as a rescuer in times of disasters.” The innovator, who plans to patent the mechanics and communication protocol used to send commands to Sam, said humanoids and andro humanoids were vastly different. “A humanoid is just a robot that does not have the capability to work like humans and does not have a human shape, but an andro humanoid has all functions of a human being with joints in its body,” he said. Source: Deccan Chronicle