A southern pudu fawn born at Edinburgh Zoo – credit, Edinburgh Zoo, via SWNS
The Edinburgh Zoo has shared the first images of an adorable two-week-old Southern pudu fawn, the second smallest deer in the world.
It was born to first-time parents Violetta and Evan. The tiny female youngster is doing well and has been named Gia by keepers at the zoo, managed by the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland.
Native to the forests of Chile and Argentina, pudu are the smallest members of the deer family, with the larger of the two—the southern pudu—standing at just 17.7 inches (55cm) tall when fully grown.

Gia, the southern pudu fawn born at Edinburgh Zoo – credit, Edinburgh Zoo, via SWNS
Appearing somewhat like a hybrid, an adult southern pudu has a stocky build with antlers that grow up and curve back, giving it the appearance of a goat in some respects.
Edinburgh Zoo’s tiny new arrival weighed around 1.2 pounds, or 630g, at birth—less than a loaf of bread.
She won’t be able to be viewed by the public for the first few weeks of her life, but probably starting July visitors can expect to see her under the watchful guidance of Violetta. Edinburgh Zoo Welcomes Adorable South American Deer Fawn the Size of a Bread Loaf–(LOOK)