The first successful birth of a test-tube baby Louise Joy Brown occurred in Oldham in Britain 35 years ago. This method is known as an extracorporeal conception (ECO), and scientists called it a breakthrough in medicine. However, it is very hard to say at the moment whether its consequences are positive or negative. Of course, as before, children need their mothers. An extracorporeal conception is an assisted method of conceiving a child outside the human body. Quite a number of medical scientists regard this technology as a tangible achievement of the 20th century, and it is not by chance that one of its developers, Robert Edwards from Britain, was awarded the Nobel Prize. An extracorporeal conception is very popular in Europe and the USA today – it helps childless couples not only to have a child but also to plan a pregnancy. It makes it possible to “store up” the embryos, to freeze them and to unfreeze them in case of need. Besides, married couples can decide in advance how many children they want. According to scientists, an extracorporeal conception is improving Europe’s demography. However, the number of those who do not approve this technology is also very high, a reproduction gynecologist, Denis Ogorodnikov, says, adding that moral and ethical aspects are of importance here. “An extracorporeal conception provides for the involvement of the wife and husband who have problems with childbirth. Although this technology is helpful in solving this problem, it implicates, among other things, surrogate motherhood, sperm and egg donation, and also embryo donation.” All these “options”, especially the destruction of the excessive embryos and transferring embryos to surrogate mothers are strongly criticized by religious and public organizations, and also by scientists and governments. There are countries where a ban is put on surrogate motherhood. The Catholic Church, one of the main critics of the extracorporeal conception, says that an embryo is a personality. Hence, its transfer can be regarded as human trafficking, and any destruction of the embryo is none other than an abortion, the Catholic Church says. The Orthodox Church is strongly opposed to donor donation. There is a split of opinions on that score among scientists as well. A demographer and an anthropologist, Darya Khalturina, says: “ Embryo screening which is helpful in establishing the genetic causes of cancer is widespread today. Soon the DNA analysis will make it possible to understand what influences the outward appearance of newborns and what should be done to create a more beautiful child. Besides, embryo screening will make it possible to learn more about the impact of genes on the intellect”. There are scientists who believe that an extracorporeal conception may promote the return of the selection of human beings, the experiments with human embryos and the cloning of people. The British government is drafting a bill permitting the use of the genes of a third person during an extracorporeal conception. Future generations will face a changed structure of DNA. Ethical aspects are also of importance here. The legal status of the donor is not defined yet either. In fact, the donor is a third parent. , Source: Voice Of Russia,