Miracle - A Star

Supernova explosion
As we know from the Gospels preceded the birth of Christ astronomical phenomenon called the star of Bethlehem. Astronomers and historians still can not figure out what it was? Comet or a supernova explosion? The debate about what shone so brightly in the sky for two thousand years ago, is still going on. Every year before Christmas, new hypotheses. On Christmas Eve, a new hypothesis of the star of Bethlehem. According to American scientists a star that guides the Magi to the infant Jesus, was a unique astronomical phenomenon: the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn are lined up in a row in the constellation Aries, which is why there was a bright glow. "Connecting the planets are quite common in 2012, these events took place, will be in 2013, and the planet do not merge, they just come closer to each other ... and this is nothing extraordinary ...." - says senior researcher Oleg IKI Ugolnikov . The debate about what kind of celestial event happened two thousand years ago, is still going on. Every year just before Christmas a mass of new hypotheses. However, the actual astronomical phenomena, which would provide a bright glow in the sky, even this day, not so much. In 1604, the great mathematician and astronomer Johannes Kepler observed the supernova explosions. Scientists have suggested that this may well have happened two thousand years ago. Brightest supernova is comparable with glitter galaxy. Its glow can be seen even on a sunny day. "The supernova explosion, a death star, at the end of evolution. Star actually falls on itself and becomes a neutron star with the release of huge amounts of energy. But if at that time there was an outbreak of a supernova, we would have seen her rest ... ", - says Oleg Ugolnikov. Another popular hypothesis is the star of Bethlehem was a comet. After all, according to scripture, a star moving across the sky. Maybe - it was one of the most  mysterious
Halley's comet
comets - Halley's Comet. Close to the planet it flies every 75 years. The last time it was observed in 1986, following the visit of space pilgrims expected in 2061. With this comet involves a lot of superstitions. If the tail is long, it is to be war. By some accounts, it was Halley's comet, and could be the star of Bethlehem. "There are comets that come very close to the Sun, and just a few days, it sharply increases its shine ..." - says Oleg Ugolnikov. Two thousand years have passed, and the consensus among scientists or not. Each version is available and thus can not be proved. "The sky has its own book, in his own society, and people try to connect, but it's naive form ... Science and religion are in principle not compatible ...." - explains Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Rostislav Polishchuk. In the temple of Star City prayer. The spiritual mentor of our cosmic detachment father Job prays for the crew, who now has a watch on the International Space Station. Once he also dreamed of
 Star of Bethlehem: this was (in Russian)
flying to the stars, and even acted in flight school, but chose a heavenly way ... His board books not only theological literature, and scientific works, including the recent astronomical discoveries. At the expense of the star of Bethlehem father Job brief - is a miracle. Even one small statement, which scientists somehow ignored. "The Star - it's not easy astronomical phenomenon, a spiritual force, an angel of God, which went before the Magic And this is the proof, you know how to move the star. Neither star is not from the North to the East, but the star was from the North to the East, showing the way the Magi. It shines even in the day "- explains the rector of the church of the Transfiguration in Star City Abbot Job. Perhaps, indeed, we should not look for any evidence. Especially in these days, like Christmas and New Year, why not believe in miracles. The more that a person has not answered the most important question - how did life on the third planet from the Sun called Earth? Is not that a great miracle! Original text in Russian: http://www.federalspace.ru/main.php?id=2&nid=19803, Images, Text, Video, Credits: Roscosmos TV Studio / ROSCOSMOS / NASA / Translation: Orbiter.ch Aerospace. Greetings, Orbiter.ch, Source: Orbiter.ch Space News