Power grids, communications and satellites could be knocked out by a massive solar storm in the next two years, scientists warn. Experts say the sun is reaching a peak in its 10-year activity cycle, putting the Earth at greater risk from solar storms. Mike Hapgood, a space weather specialist at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Didcot, Oxfordshire, said: "Governments are taking it very seriously. These things may be very rare but when they happen, the consequences can be catastrophic." He warned that solar storms are increasingly being put on national risk registers used for disaster planning, alongside other events like tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. There is 12% chance of a major solar storm every decade - making them a roughly one-in-100-year event. The last major storm was more than 150 years ago. The threat comes from magnetically-charged plasma thrown out by the sun in coronal mass ejections. Like vast bubbles bursting off the sun's surface, they send millions of tons of gas racing through space that can engulf the Earth with as little as one day's warning. They trigger geomagnetic storms which can literally melt expensive transformers in national power grids. Source: The Coming Crisis