By Julia Galiullina, The Russian military base 201, which is situated in Tajikistan, recently started to use dogs as mine searchers. The dogs help to clear up firing grounds from unexploded grenades or shells, or look for explosive devices in order to prevent terror acts during public events. The dogs’ handlers at the base 201 have undergone special training in Russia.The Russian contingent has been deployed in Tajikistan since the early 1990s, mainly at the Tajik-Afghan border, and, partially, in the cities of Dushanbe, Kulyab and Kurgan-Tyube. The Russian 201 division took a decisive role in the outcome of the civil war in Tajikistan, which lasted since 1992 till 1997. Tags: mine safety , Tajikistan, military base, Commentary, dog, Russia, Military news, World, Читать далее, Source: Voice of Russia, Source: Image