When we think of alien abduction stories most of us see flashes of movies we’ve seen
or stories we’ve heard from television programs and newspapers. If we are all so knowledgeable about alien abduction stories, why is it that our government does not speak about it ever? In fact, the only thing that our government has done in relation to alien abductions stories is make fun of them and in turn mock us too. Listen, either people that speak of alien abduction stories are completely loony or our government is treating us like we are completely stupid, but if the former were to be true then how is that all these people refer to the same experiences and images when they speak about alien abductions. It is difficult to believe that all these people that are seeing the same things are all suffering from some kind of psychological disorder which causes them to imagine alien abductions. When it comes to things that can’t be completely determined we must look at what is more likely and it seems to me that it’s highly unlikely that millions of people are having psychological problems. If we part from this assumption then not only are alien abductions real, but the government knows it and the fact that they ignore it should make us all very scared. It’s not only that they ignore it, but they seem to work very hard at hiding it. There are many sights on the web that will give you the truth about alien abduction stories. For now, they are the only place where truth reigns. Source: Alien Abduction