Alien Abduction: There are some stories that say alien abduction is real? But does that convince anyone? Despite the probability of life on other planets and the possibility that some of that life may be very intelligent, any signal from any planet in the universe broadcast in any direction is unlikely to be in the path of another inhabited planet. It would be folly to explore space for intelligent life without knowing exactly where to go. Yet, waiting for a signal might require a wait longer than any life on any planet might last. Finally, if we do get a signal, the waves carrying that signal left hundreds or thousands of years earlier and by the time we tracked its source down, the sending planet may no longer be habitable or even exist. So despite what the alien abduction reports say it would be really hard to get to in touch with them. If it would take us so long to get to them how do they get to us? Does that mean aliens are more advanced they humans? Source: Alien Abduction