Got milk? If you’re Black, Asian or Hispanic, make it lactose-free

Glass of milk. Photo:

The Agriculture Department has proposed changes in its nutritional programs that could have a huge positive effect on the health of Black and Hispanic children from low-income households. For starters, the nation’s food stamp program would allow for more fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Another game-changing proposal calls for providing lactose-free alternatives to cow’s milk – such as soy milk and soy-based yogurts and cheeses.

The USDA’s proposals follow a letter sent in October to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack from 31 members of Congress – mostly members of the Black, Hispanic and Asian Pacific American caucuses.

Their concern was the adverse impact that consuming cow’s milk has on schoolchildren, especially children of color.

“The rates of lactose intolerance in (people of color) are startlingly high, with 65 percent of Latino students, 75 percent of Black students, and 90 percent of Asian students unable to digest dairy milk without detrimental effects,” said the letter, whose signatories included Reps. Troy A. Carter (D-La.), who is leading the effort, and Hakeem Jefferies (D-N.Y.), who was recently elected leader of the House Democratic Caucus.

Boston Children’s Hospital notes that in young children, lactose intolerance is usually caused by digestive diseases or injuries to the small intestine. But most cases of lactose intolerance develop over many years in adolescents and adults. Each individual may experience symptoms differently, the hospital’s website says, but common symptoms – which typically begin about 30 minutes to two hours after consuming food or beverages containing lactose – include nausea, cramps, bloating, gas and diarrhea.

“This issue hit me hard both as a parent of two Black boys, and as a congressman of a majority-minority district in the south,” Carter said. “We know our nation’s public schools and health-care systems have deeply flawed histories – and, in some cases, current realities – of inequitable resource distribution and treatment of students and people of color. While this push to offer nondairy, nutritionally equivalent alternatives to our kids there at lunch counters may seem like a small fight, this is another one of those inequities facing communities of color that we can and therefore must take action to fix.”

The nation’s dairy industry, however, still pushes milk as a nutritious builder of strong bones and an important source of vitamin D. Last year, the American Dairy Association relaunched its “Got Milk?” campaign. This time, the campaign is relying more on social media influencers than celebrities and sports stars to market the product.

Moreover, despite its new proposals, the USDA continues to encourage consumption of fluid cow’s milk in it’s Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, known as WIC, as well as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the National School Lunch and School Breakfast programs. Schools participating in the National School Lunch Program, for example, must offer students a cup of milk with each lunch.

USDA research analyzing dietary records of teenagers and children between 2003 and 2018 found that children aged 6 through 12 years old obtained 35 percent of their fluid milk at schools, while teenagers aged 13 through 18 years obtained 25 percent of their fluid milk at schools. Consumption of fluid milk was also higher for both groups on weekdays, when schools are generally in session, than on weekends.

“Free and reduced school lunch is supposed to be a safety net for our nation’s most vulnerable children, and is disproportionately utilized by students of color,” Carter said. “For many of these kids, school meals may be the only food available to them that day. Children cannot learn if they feel sick or hungry, and yet we know that millions of children, especially children of color, experience negative symptoms after ingesting the dairy that our current school lunch program requires be placed on every student’s lunch tray.”

Currently, children who suffer adverse reactions from cow’s milk must produce a doctor’s note if they choose not to accept traditional milk with their lunch. Carter says this puts an undue burden on minority students, some of whom may not yet know adverse health effects – such as exacerbated asthma – are caused by lactose intolerance.

The USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service boasts that it is working to “end hunger and improve food and nutrition security” through a suite of more than 15 nutrition assistance programs. Together, these programs serve 1 in 4 Americans over the course of a year, “promoting consistent and equitable access to healthy, safe, and affordable food essential to optimal health and well-being,” according to the USDA website.

But that is obviously aspirational. There is still a lot of work to do. The USDA is encouraging anyone interested in the proposed nutritional changes to provide feedback at The comment period will be open until Feb. 21. Parents of children of color should let their voices be heard.“The sad reality is that by refusing to offer nondairy alternatives in our school lunch program, we not only waste millions of dollars through discarded, unopened milk, but this federal program is likely causing countless schoolchildren to feel sick and less able to learn,” Carter said. “After all, how can children be expected to successfully learn when they are experiencing preventable pain and discomfort? With a nutritionally equivalent solution available to us in soy milk, there is no reason that we should further delay bringing equity into our school lunchrooms.”Got milk? If you’re Black, Asian or Hispanic, make it lactose-free
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Facts about Apple Seed Cyanide

How would you react when you get to know that your favorite fruit is also a house to several diseases?

Apples are supposed to be one of the healthiest and delicious fruits that we are munching on since ages. Many health benefits are attached to eating one apple everyday. But do you know the other part of the story? Are you aware of what is Apple Seed Cyanide? Have you ever come across those black seeds hidden deep inside the apples? These black seeds have an unhealthy story to tell. Where apples are recommended healthy and a must addition to your daily diet, the apple seeds are dangerous to health causing various disorders and death. 

The apple seeds consist of a small proportion of chemical composite known as Amygdalin. It is not harmful as far as it is unscathed or swollen accidently. Nevertheless, it takes a heinous turn on being chewed or crushed. It releases a harmful gas popularly known as Apple Seed cyanide that may lead to death if taken in high amounts.

The high amounts consumed will certainly get you in a big trouble. You may be victimized to several disorders and get a paralysis attack, memory loss or even heart failure. A person is said to have taken a high dose of Apple Seed Cyanide if he has munched roughly 200 black seeds of apples. The small proportion on the other hand will not have such big consequences, but can cause mild body clutters. Vomiting, headache, stomach cramps, body ache and other body related turmoil.
Black seed oil on the other hand smells good and is favorable to your skin and hair. It can fight cancer and other diseases. You can get benefited to the numerous advantages attached to the apple seed oil but beware chewing the apple seeds.

Prevention is better than cure – Tips to be safe :

Apples are undoubtedly good for health but if not eaten rightly they can land you in misfortune. Keep your eyes and ears open so that you do not get trapped inside the uninvited accidents.

It is always commendable to slice the apple into four pieces, remove black seeds from between and then bite on to avoid any mishaps.
Alternately, if you are out and want to have an apple, go ahead but don’t forget to spit the seeds out.
Few fruits like apricots, peaches and cherries have the kinds of seeds that can produce cyanide when exposed to chewing. If possible do carry other fruits along that do not have such harmful seeds.
The seeds if come in contact with your teeth will prove to be detrimental. Avoid giving whole apple to kids, as they might not follow what it takes to be unharmed.
Be safe be alert from the harmful Apple Seeds Cyanide. Prevention lies in your hands. Source:
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