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blue naped parrot, Tanygnathus lucionensis, is one of the many species of parrots that live in the Philippines’ forests. It has a unique blue nape, red beak, green feather, and black and gold wings. This particular species resides in the island of Luzon, in the northern part of the country. The blue-naped parrot is

slowly becoming an endangered species, its demise a consequence of habitat loss and illegal pet trade. saw this blue-naped parrot while I was on vacation in the Philippines this past May. It was at the entranceof a church in Tagaytay City, a tourist area atop the mountains south of Manila, overlooking the Taal volcano. Its presence at the church provides locals and tourist alike with entertainment. Its greets the church’s visitors

upon their entry, saying “Kumain na kayo? Kumain na kayo?” (Did you eat yet? Did you eat yet?) and bids farewell, “Paalam. Paalam.” (Goodbye. Goodbye.). The bluenaped parrot certainly addedsome spice in my visit to the Philippines and Tagaytay City.
Source: Animaldiscovery