Small electronic devices and social networking software are on the verge of creating a sort of artificial telepathy where images and ideas can be broadcast instantly to a group of people. 'If you get lost, my mobile will guide you' from the MUGGES project. TECNALIA Research & Innovation and Telefónica R+D have succeeded in taking one more step with social networks; with MUGGES, they have managed that any person with a mobile telephone in his or her hand is able to become a “cicerone”, a journalist or mobile reporter and, in fact, a provider of a huge amount of new services from their own terminal. The MUGGES project investigates the transformation of users of mobile telephones into prosumers, i.e. producers, providers and consumers of content from their own mobile telephone. The user generates and stores his or her own micro-services - known as mugglets - on their mobile telephone. This involves small applications that take advantage of the experience of the user and make use of the information of the context in real time, combining searching with social interaction. With MUGGES it is possible to share routes, follow the routes of others, visualise which routes are being followed when others are at the same point where the user is, comments by other users of the site, challenge other users on a specific route, create a service to share a car, to obtain a parking place, etc., become a mobile paparazzi present anywhere …. and a multitude of services more. In this way the user can obtain and provide information and content, share these services for their consumption or re-use (creation of new services from existing ones), thus making it possible to develop new business models. This new concept is opening up a pioneering path for a new generation of mobile services for the Internet of the Future, a priority line of research. One step forward in social networks: MUGGES stands out from the social networks in which one's own mobile phone is also enabled for social interaction in any place and at any time, without depending on an internet connection. Millions of potential providers, millions of journalists, a multitude of users informing about traffic, events, recommendations, etc. This is MUGGES, one step beyond social networks. The infrastructure and mobile devices are now sufficiently powerful to enable the development of new business models. The mobile terminal is evolving at great speed, even becoming a content server, so that a mobile user can constantly provide updated information, in real time and relevant for users. This trend will move to the mobile environment, much more suited to the way we carry out social interactions, anywhere and anytime. Mobile infrastructures and devices are now powerful enough to allow for new business models. The mobile terminal will evolve to become a server and therefore, a mobile user will provide constantly updated information, relevant to others users instantaneous interests and current context.
- Contacts and sources: Irati Kortabitarte
- Zelai Haundi 3
- Osinalde Industrialdea, 20170
- Usurbil, Spain. Source: http://www.ineffableisland.com