Tissue replication has now become a reality. Scientists from Oxford University built a programmable printer which can print out synthetic tissues. The fuel that creates the tissues is formulated by water droplets that are held in a liquid type film, and then take on the characteristics of a living cell. Looking at the artificial tissue, even though their properties are the similar, their appearance is not the same as an actual tissue.
Patients who are in need of new tissue can now turn to this 3D invention, and have their body repaired using this device. The printed tissues have no genetic components, so it can’t copy itself however this will make imitation tissue synthesis an easier matter to deal with. "We aren't trying to make materials that faithfully resemble tissues but rather structures that can carry out the functions of tissues. We've shown that it is possible to create networks of tens of thousands connected droplets. The droplets can be printed with protein pores to form pathways through the network that mimic nerves and are able to transmit electrical signals from one side of a network to the other," said professor Hagan Bayley of Oxford University's Department of Chemistry, and one of the authors of the study, in a press release. Water droplets, which come from the one of a kind printer, built at Oxford University, can actually be programmed to fold on their own. Although droplets are 5 times larger than a cell, researchers made it clear that smaller ones could be in existence later on. Voice of Russia, Nature World News, Source: Voice Of Russia