Google is known for setting the trends then be its search engines or YouTube. Early his year Google has launched an amazing product called Google glass. Although this product had its own lacunas but still, this product was well received by the veterans of Silicon Valley. Now towards the end of 2013, Google is ready to launch the updated version of Google glass in which they will be launching upgraded software and some unique applications. When the review came for Google glass most of the users found the following problems with them:
- Very fragile design
- Low battery life
- Lack of cuter stealthier design
It is expected that Google will deal with all these problems in its updated version of Google glass and this product will be very robust however, the price is expected to be just same. So, I was the other day thinking of some small players who already have same product and they are very economical as well. Some of the companies who are manufacturing similar product like Google glass are:
#1Recon jet: This is one of the company which can take Google glass in the boxing ring head on. Their product is available in one third of the cost as compared to Google and they have some amazing features like GPS, social media, weather, maps etc.
#2 Epiphany eyewear: The design of this glass is not as cooler as recon jet but still it is fulfilling the purpose like any other glass would not. This glass is also synchronized very well with all the social platforms specially twitter, Instagram and Facebook. In all honesty, this glass is lacking lots of functions which Google glass is offering.
#3 GlassUp: GlassUp again offers an amazing design and it can be used for e-mails, texting, tweets, Facebook updates etc. This glass makes sure that the user is always connected with the outer world. This glass has taken the concept of augmented reality to the whole new level and it is likely to give tough competition to so many apps available in Google glass. This glass can also be called as- enterprise solution provider.
#4 Vuzix Smart glasses: Now this is not actually a glass because it’s an extension of your smart phone however, it has all the functions which other glasses are offering. The user can use social media apps, use this device as a hands free etc. This device is an edge which is providing a new dimension to augmented reality and mobility.
In the end it can just be said that soon GPS will be replaced by the cool glasses which will not only give us directions while driving but will also do other tasks for the users simultaneously. Source: Article, Image: flickr.com