Called The Big Picture, the 60 metre wide, 15 metre tall display located inside the main lobby and entrance to Suntec Exhibition and Convention Centre in Singapore has entered the Guinness World Records as the 'Largest HD videowall'. The system uses Dataton’s Watchout software to manage the content presented on 664 LG LED flat panel displays. The Big Picture is designed to support a resolution of 32,051 pixels wide by 7,941 pixels high, which is 84 x HD resolution. The project was managed by Suntec Singapore working with a team of Asia-based technology partners including Honeywell who were appointed master systems integrators for the project. LG acted as systems engineers to design and analyse the system and manage subcontractors such as Acetel Korea. The Big Picture acts as a standalone exhibit allowing a combination of multiple media such as still images, animations and video clips to be shown at the same time, or a single media image in native format to be displayed over the entire wall. Interactive features are integrated with RFiD tracking systems and sensors on the escalators located just in front of The Big Picture. The integrated sensory systems can be adapted to display welcome messages, or show specialised content alongside riders on the escalator from levels 1 to 3. Mr Oh, Technical Manager, LGE Singapore said: "The Big Picture is controlled and operated by three major subsystems which are the video wall, playback, integration and control. Playback manages content and the principle of the design is to support multi-display and 4K images from 21 Watchout display servers, serving 84 full HD outputs. "The integration and control system acts to control The Big Picture and servers, turning them on or off as required. It also manages playback where a part of a show at a specific time can be selected or it can be used to manage interactive content." Content for the system can be updated according to the exhibition taking place. It also uses a variety of ultra-high resolution content from Suntec Singapore and its advertisers. Source: InAVate,