London, An ultra-slow-motion camera has helped show that the hummingbird is not only the fastest moving living thing on Earth but is also the fastest shaker. The camera, which is capable of capturing images at up to 650,000 frames per second, caught the birds shimmying at a rate that was 10 times faster than a dog after it takes a bath. Andreas Pena Doll and Rivers Ingersoll, both students in David Lentink's lab at Stanford University, captured Anna's hummingbirds shaking their tiny bodies 55 times per second while they were in flight, New Scientist reported. Lentink observed that it is the fastest shake by any vertebrate on Earth. Pena Doll said that the shimmy done in dry weather could remove pollen or dirt from their feathers similar to the way a wet shake removes water. The study will be published in the Journal for Biomechanics of Flight. (ANI). Source: Article, Image: flickr.com