Launch of Indian PSLV C22 Rocket with IRNSS-1 An Indian Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) succesfully launched from India today, July 1st 2013 at 18:11 UTC carrying the first of seven IRNSS satellites into orbit. Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) will provide real time navigation and time data to multiple users. Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) description.
Image credit: This was the very first night launch of the Indian Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle which uses four stages. India has successfully put the country’s first Navigation Satellite into orbit on Monday. A Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle blasted off from the Satish Dhawan Space Center on India’s East coast at 18:11 UTC and made a flawless ascent mission delivering the IRNSS-1A spacecraft
Image credit: This was the very first night launch of the Indian Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle which uses four stages. India has successfully put the country’s first Navigation Satellite into orbit on Monday. A Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle blasted off from the Satish Dhawan Space Center on India’s East coast at 18:11 UTC and made a flawless ascent mission delivering the IRNSS-1A spacecraft

to its intended orbit about 20 minutes after launch. The flight was declared a complete success – marking the birth of India’s own navigation constellation, the Indian Regional Navigation System that will cover the 

Image above: LIFTOFF of an Indian PSLV from Satish Dhawan carrying India’s first navigation satellite. India’s first navigation satellite has arrived in orbit. Photo Screen Capture from ISRO TV. 

Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS). Credit: ISRO
country and surrounding areas. Credit ISRO. For more information about Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), visit: Images (mentioned), Video, Text, Credits: ISRO / ISRO TV. Best regards, Source: Space News