A man from Aurora, Texas, has built a revolutionary vehicle that allows him to take off into the sky and cruise over miles of traffic jams. The motor-tricycle - called the super sky cycle - has a 582cc engine and a three-blade 68-inch propeller, the Daily Mail reported. The vehicle can fly at 35mph, land in 20ft of space and has a top land speed of 65 mph. It has a 5 hour flight time without refueling and requires a pilot's license to fly. Larry Neal, of The Butterfly Aircraft LLC, has just been awarded a US Patent to build the vehicle on a large scale and sell it to the general public. The project has been in development for many years but hit a stumbling block as Neal could not figure out what to do with the propellers once the vehicle landed, the report said. However, Neal overcame the problem by making them foldable - allowing the vehicle to be driven on regular roads, it added. (ANI), Source: News Track India