Are you ready for doomsday? Or a Zombie Apocalypse? Discovery Channel introduces a group of ordinary people prepping for a zombie takeover and examines the science behind this end-of-the-world scenario in the new one-hour special "Zombie Apocalypse," premiering Tuesday, December 18th at 10 p.m. ET/PT as part of Discovery Channel's "Apocalypse Tuesday" lineup. From The Walking Dead to bath salts causing Zombie-like attacks, Zombie culture is everywhere and there's a core group of seemingly ordinary people prepping in the event that the Zombie Apocalypse staggers out of fiction and becomes reality. As belief spreads throughout the science community, Ivy League professors and scientists speak out in this Discovery Channel special to describe the plausibility of this scenario. Some people imagine what it would be like to win the lottery, but Zombie Preppers spend their time planning for Zombie attacks. Meet the everyday individuals who can't stop thinking through all the scenarios for their own demise: -Patti Heffernan: A mother of two who's teaching her children to fight Zombies, she spends time fortifying her home and thinking through worst case scenarios. -Alfredo Carbajel: Founder of the Kansas Anti-Zombie militia, he has a secret location stockpiled with all the supplies necessary to keep him alive during the apocalypse. -Matthew Oakey: An ex-military firearms instructor who wouldn't hesitate to kill a Zombie, he's loading up on firearms and preparing an escape route in the event of an attack. -Shawn Beatty: This Wisconsin-based teacher doesn't expect Zombies to rise from their graves, but believes that the end is near and wants to be prepared when disaster strikes. But this event isn't all imagination. Dr. Steven Scholzman of Harvard Medical School explains that it is indeed plausible for humans to contract a virus that changes them into something resembling a Zombie. Diseases can move very quickly thanks to our global infrastructure – cars, trains, subways and if such a virus were to become a pandemic, the results would be immediate and devastating. A zombie-like virus passed on by human contact could infect every person in a city the size of New York in just 8-9 days. The 1918 Spanish Influenza killed 100 million people worldwide, and something similar could kill a staggering 250 million today. Tune in to Discovery Channel's "Apocalypse Tuesday” on December 18th kicking off with How The World Will End at 8 p.m. ET/PT, followed by Apocalypse 2012 Revelations at 9 p.m. ET/PT and concluding with the premiere of Zombie Apocalypse at 10 p.m. ET/PT. Photo Credits: AMC Networks Inc. All rights reserved. Source: