By Nikita Sorokin, Global warming is caused by carbon dioxide, which is being emitted into the atmosphere in huge volumes as a result of human activity. At the same time, there is an opinion that people cannot in principle radically influence the planet’s climate, and all talks about warming are a “conspiracy” of alarmists, politicians and industrialists. One can answer the question whether carbon dioxide emissions have an impact on the atmosphere: yes, there is an influence as well as no, the is no impact, head of the laboratory studying global energy problems at the Moscow Power (Electrical) Engineering Institute, Professor Vladimir Klimenko said in an interview with the Voice of Russia correspondent. “Can you imagine that in the past 15 years, emissions to the atmosphere have increased about 20 percent, while the temperature has fallen. What does it mean? This does not mean that emissions have no impact on temperature. Is there global warming? Yes, there is. Will it continue further? Yes, it will. Is it dangerous for the civilization? Yes, it is dangerous, if we fail to contain the global warming within the limits of one degree Celsius from the contemporary level,” Vladimir Klimenko said. At present, scientists suggest getting rid of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere or simply, covering the Earth from excessive sunrays. However, consequence of human interference in natural synthesis will be unpredictable, head of the WWF Russia’s “Climate and Energy” Programme Alexei Kokorin told our correspondent. “It’s theoretically possible to collect carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and in fact, there is even a technology, and pump it deep into the soil. Some insist that carbon dioxide can be pumped deep into the ocean. But, at present, it will be cheaper to work on energy saving, energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy sources,” Alexei Kokorin said. On his part, Professor Vladimir Klimenko asks a rhetoric question. Is there a need to fight global warming? “From my point of view, there is no need because the proportion between anthropogenic and natural factors is such that the rate of increase in temperature in the next decade will be less than that has achieved in the past 30 years. This rise has frightened the international community. One of the most important factors is that solar activity is falling. Consequently, less heat will reach the Earth from the sun. In short, the sun is significantly countering the growing greenhouse effect,” Vladimir Klimenko added. Source: Voice of Russia