which holds a counterweight, keeping the tower's terminal station in position. As one car goes up, another descends, recovering a lot of the energy used. Obayashi's tower, it says, would reach a quarter of the way to the moon, with a station at the 36,000 km mark. While the tensile strength required would be incredible, it's believed that carbon nanotubes could handle the job. Obayashi's considering using magnetic linear motors as the means of propulsion, and the journey to the station would take at least a week. The station would house laboratories, tourists, and even a solar power generatorthat could supply energy back to Earth. "At this moment, we cannot estimate the cost for the project," an Obayashi official told Yomiuri. "However, we'll try to make steady progress so that it won't end just up as simply a dream." Quite apart from the challenge of producing carbon nanotubes in enough quantity, there are, obviously, many other problems to overcome. At thespeeds expected, radiation during transit through the Van Allen belt could be dangerous. There's also the risk that a structure that large would be hit by space debris.Source: The Ultimate Update