BW-Bank is pushing the retail banking experience in to the future with a multi-media installation from ICT. The solution is easy to control and flexible enough to ensure the technology stays relevant for the bank and its customers well into the future. Retail banking is not usually an experience anyone looks forward to or finds particularly memorable. But BW-Bank in Stuttgart, Germany is trying to change that idea with a concept that is more similar to a fashion or retail environment than a high-street bank.The branch, called the "Meeting Point Extend", is situated at the Breuningerland Shopping Mall in Sindelfingen. The open space is designed to be inviting and a multimedia installation entertains and informs customers about products and services connected with the bank’s "extend" account. ICT Innovative Communication Technologies, Kohlberg headquartered media technology specialist, was chosen to install the interactive, audio and video elements of the project. Learn more about an installation that centres on a bespoke interactive media table read the full article in InAVate’s Active Magazine. Tech-Spec, Audio, Apart SubTile-BL subwoofer, Ateis digital audio DSP, Bittner amplifier, ML-Audio Novasonar ceiling speakers, SoundTube SolidDrive SD1 sound transducers, Video, AMX media control, CYP HDMI CAT6 extenders, Eyevis 46” LCD displays and display frame, Gefen matrix switcher, Spatz DVI-2X. Source: InAVate