Their studies have shown that Lutetia's surface comprises regions spanning a wide range of ages: each of them reveals a chapter in the long and tumultuous history of this asteroid. The most ancient portions on the surface of Lutetia are the heavily cratered Achaia and Noricum regions, shown in red and yellow in the upper and lower part of the image, respectively. With ages between 3.4 and 3.7 billion years or more, these two regions are almost as old as the asteroid itself. Massilia, the largest crater identified on the asteroid, is located in a younger region named Narbonensis. This region is shown in blue on the right side of the image: the depression due to the large crater is clearly visible. With a diameter of 57 km, Massilia provides evidence of the most dramatic event in the history of Lutetia. The youngest patch on the surface of Lutetia is the Baetica region, located in the vicinity of the asteroid's North Pole and shown in green at the center of the image. This region hosts a number of superimposed craters, named the North Polar Crater Cluster (NPCC), which include three large ones with sizes exceeding 10 km. These craters represent the signature left by a series of subsequent impacts that took place quite recently on geological timescales – namely, in the last few hundred million years. Image credit: Thomas et al., (adapted from Massironi et al., ) Planetary and Space Science, Vol.66, 2012, Source: Minex