Projection mapping on London's Buckingham Palace topped off celebrations, for Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee, that saw Stevie Wonder, Elton John and Paul McCartney take to the stage in front of the royal dwelling. Software developer, d3 provided video mapping and playback of video using 36 Barco HD projectors, provided by XL Video UK. The show, that used d3’s advanced projection simulation toolkit, was designed by Durham Marenghi, with further architectural lighting provided by Neg Earth. Steve Greetham, project manager at XL Events, specified and supplied equipment and crew, both for the projection mapping onto Buckingham Palace, and the onstage wraparound LED screens and IMAG cameras for the concert stage. This was built around the Queen Victoria Monument in front of the Palace. XL Events supplied a total of 36 Barco FLM HD 20K projectors arranged in 6 stacks of 6, 12 Barco Image Pros and 2 Lightware DVI matrice. The company also provided approximately 600 tiles of Pixled FX-11 LED, which formed the large wraparound screen on the main crown-shaped concert stage. A 3D model of the building was created using a laser scanner which was used by Nils Porrmann, a 3D modeller and artist, to set up the d3 stage. Sam Pattinson, creative director of Treatment Studio, commissioned a number of animators created the final content. Chris Bird, director at d3 Technologies, said: "We’ve known Sam since 2003 and to get the chance to do such a monumental event together is just fantastic." d3 Consultancy, d3 Technologies’ experienced in-house technical solutions team, assisted with the production including sequencing to the music, synchronising to timecode and operating the show. Audio for the event was handled by Britannia Row.
Source: InAVate