amount of daylight falls dramatically - but looking at the ground beneath leafy trees will reveal crescent-shaped sunbeams and rings of light. Ring of Fire seen due toTotal Solar Eclipse The 'path of annularity' where the ring of fire can be seen is only about 200 miles wide, covers a swathe of the southern US - southwest Oregon, Northern California, central Nevada, southern Utah, northern Arizona, New Mexico and the Texas Panhandle. The effect should last for around four and a half minutes. Outside this band, other areas will see a partial eclipse. "The ring of sunlight during annularity is blindingly bright," cautions NASA's leading eclipse expert Fred Espenak of the Goddard Space Flight Center. "Even though most of the sun's disk will be covered, you still need to use a solar filter or some type of projection technique. A #14 welder's glass is a good choice. There are also many commercially-available solar filters." #14 Welder's Glass Best for viewing Solar Eclipse If you buy one, you'll get another chance to use it two weeks later when Venus makes a transit of the sun. Anyway If you are in Souther US don’t forget to watch the worth Sight of the Solar Eclipse.Source: The Ultimate Update