The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), which launched India’s first indigenous all-weather Radar Imaging Satellite (RISAT-1) on April 26, released on Saturday 10 stunning images beamed by the satellite. The 1,858 kg spacecraft, the country's first microwave which was put into its orbit a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle has a life span of five years. has the capability to take images of the earth during day and night as well as in cloudy conditions. It can take images of the earth during day and night, even during cloudy conditions. The high resolution images taken by RISAT showed the Himalayan mountain range in all its splendour. Other images were of Chambal valley in Madhya Pradesh and Bhopal city. Hoogly River in West Bengal , Sunderbans, Mumbai port images too were life-like. One of the images on Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu was contrasted with an image taken of the same place earlier by Cartosat. The image quality is better in the case of RISAT picture. *** Source: The Hans India