“The Man Who Takes Us to the Future” is the blurb across the front cover of this month’s edition of Wired Magazine, featuring an article on Marc Andreessen, described as “the most influential venture capitalist in silicon valley.” Andreesson, who is credited with inventing the web browser, is featured in the piece lending his own ideas about where future technology will lead us. No doubt, these sorts of predictions, and especially the accurate manifestations of such technologies that will later ensue, could be described as “eye opening.” And yet, we probably take for granted to a great degree just how true this may be in a literal sense. If anything, the proliferation of advanced new technologies may literally begin to “allow” humans to perceive into new depths of Forteana, just as well. There is, in fact, some empirical data to back up this premise, especially if we consider a unique possibility: that are obvious reasons the UFO era really began to take hold during and immediately after World War II. The “Foo Fighters” being reported by both the Allies and the Axis powers during the Second World War seemed, quite obviously, to be an alarming new “enemy” technology at the outset. During the War, the pilots who had been flying what were then the most advanced aircraft on Earth had reported being dogged by strange lights and other objects; it wasn’t until after the conflict that it became certain, with little room for doubt, that these “objects” hadn’t belonged to any of the major superpowers. But if not something of apparent human design and origin, what then? To answer this great question would require an almost countless number of potentials to be thoroughly considered, despite the fact that, even today, the tried and true “extraterrestrial” hypothesis still remains the most prevalent stereotype theory about UFO origins. But let’s suppose for a moment that UFO craft–whatever they may actually be–had actually been present alongside humankind for much longer? Jacques Vallee and several others have supposed such scenarios might explain various early reports of strange aerial phenomenon over the centuries, in addition to drawing parallels to a variety of different elements involving faerie tales and folklore from various traditions around the globe. If we are indeed dealing with a technological presence that could have been running parallel to humankind for much longer than most realize, It seems very likely that World War II would have served a pivotal role of presenting great necessity for wartime innovation, which thus led to the creation of technologies that allowed us to begin to better perceive and study UFOs. Chief among such technologies are radar systems and radiation detection apparatus. While devices used for the detection of radiation had existed already for a couple of decades by the time the Second World War broke out, Geiger counters along the lines of what we use today weren’t perfected until around 1947; coincidentally, this was the same year Kenneth Arnold claimed to witness UFOs over the Northwest as he flew over Mount Rainier, a well as the year the infamous Roswell UFO crash took place. Within the subsequent released Project Bluebook files, we certainly see mention of strange objects capable of producing large amounts of radiation. Throughout the UFO literature that would persist over the next few decades, we would often find this to be a measurable, and even dangerous quantity. Another technology that might have allowed limited ability to “detect,” and thereforeobserve UFOs to some degree, would be the aforementioned radar systems. While major world superpowers had been developing radar in secret prior to WWII, again, the practical use of such systems would only be perfected during the years of conflict. History shows, as many of you have probably already surmised, that radar systems would eventually prove quite beneficial in detecting strange objects (or entire fleets of objects) that appeared to be flying overhead nearby… and yet which, rather strangely, appeared to be invisible to the naked eye! Strange though it sounds, UFO literature is rife with these very sorts of stories, which quite obviously detail an advanced technology which, as a result of our own advancing intelligence, had slowly began to move into our range of perception. So considering that our own technological advancement over time may have literally contributed to the otherwise “timed” appearance of UFOs as a cultural phenomenon after WWII, can we expect to see technology over the next few years molding and shaping our ability to perceive other things about reality itself, and perhaps the “hidden” aspects of this existence that may already be hovering all around us? I’m often asked these sorts of questions in interviews, and the short answer is “yes.” If anything, the advanced technologies that begin to emerge over the next two decades may render it all but impossible for the existence of such things as UFOs to be denied much longer… and when that happens, what kinds of innovations could we expect to stem from the potential for interaction with an intelligence even greater than our own? Food for thought, perhaps. Source: Mac's UFO News