Bangalore-based HHV Solar Technologies Pvt. Ltd has announced the indigenous development and launch of its revolutionary solar device – the ‘Solarator’, a trailer-mounted, 600 watt capacity, solar photovoltaic power generator ideally suited for remote locations and as an emergency power source. The conventional method of providing electricity in remote areas or places where natural disasters have brought down grid power is to use portable diesel fuelled power generators. However, the disadvantage of such gen-sets is that they are noisy, emit smoke which harms the environment and require regular supplies of diesel which may be difficult to transport to the affected area The ‘Solarator’ avoids these problems since it directly converts sunlight into electricity and, therefore, does not need any fuel. “It does not emit any effluent and operates silently since no moving parts are involved. This makes it ideal as a power generator for camps in forest areas since wild life is not disturbed,” explains Prasanth Sakhamuri, Chairman of HHV Solar. The power generator itself consists of two high efficiency solar modules, each of which can generate 300 Watt of electricity. The modules utilise mono crystalline silicon cells which convert sunlight into electricity. During transport, the modules are folded compactly and at the site, unfolded to catch the sun’s rays. The generator and the two-wheeled trailer on which it is mounted, together weigh only 415 kg which makes it easy for the system to be hauled or even air-lifted to remote places. A completely sealed water proof compartment at the bottom of the trailer houses all electronics and electrical systems, to avoid any short circuits. This compartment also has space for luggage/camping equipment which needs to be carried along. A 300 ampere-hour, sealed, maintenance free battery bank is used to store the power generated. The battery bank offers 24 volt DC which can be converted through an inverter to 230 volt AC. The inverter can also be used to recharge the battery via the mains, if charging from the sun is not possible due to overcast skies in the daytime. Plugs provided on the side enable the power to be conveniently tapped for any use. “The ‘Solarator’ is the first of many innovative solar devices and products being developed and launched by HHV Solar,” addsPrasanth Sakhamuri. In its entry into the global solar photovoltaic market, HHV Solar has leveraged on the expertise and reputation of its parent company, HHV (Hind High Vacuum Company Pvt. Ltd), which is a leader in Vacuum Science & Photovoltaic Technology.
Source: Renewable Energy Magazine