It's AV, but not as we know it. Pod Bluman, founder of production company Bluman Associates, talks to Anna Mitchell about being chased by the police, recycling the red carpet from the Harry Potter premier and staging an off-grid gig.
Even if you haven’t heard of Pod Bluman, the chances are you’ve seen his work. Anyone who missed worldwide press coverage of a "No War on Iraq" message projected on the Houses of Parliament may have watched the Harry Potter premier at Leicester Square in London. And if both these events passed you by; you might have caught the Batman symbol on Battersea Power Station, a complete takeover of New York’s Times Square for a Nokia launch or gigs by the Arctic Monkeys, Faithless or Obital (to name but a few). In September 2004, Bluman started Bluman Associates after building up a strong reputation as a freelancer in the live events industry. "We’re a traditional production company in the range of services we offer," explains Bluman. "But, in terms of the niche we occupy we’re very specialised within the video industry and particularly in displaying content on large displays." The company provides services in every link of the visual display chain; from content creation and capture through to the display and dissemination of that content. "We don’t own any equipment," continues Bluman. "We’re purely a production company and we pride ourselves on our independence and ability to advise clients on what we believe is the best technology for the job." Learn more about some of Bluman’s projects, why projection mapping needs to move on and what makes a successful ‘guerrilla projection’ campaign in Source: InAVate