By Cena; Insulin Pump with "bluetooth" Launched in Spain new system that allows more discreet and convenient therapy for patients with diabetes The aim of insulin pumps or continuous subcutaneous infusion systems (ISCI), is to administer insulin mimicking the healthy pancreas, reducing hypoglycemia and increased independence and quality of life of people with diabetes. Recently, Roche Diabetes Care in Spain launched the new interactive system "Accu-Check Spirit Combo," which combines an insulin pump with a glucose meter that also serves as a remote control via "Bluetooth" for the pump, according to the pharmaceutical Swiss in a statement. The interaction between these two components allows patients with type 1 diabetes "pursue a more discreet and comfortable therapy, while avoiding having to prick these insulin several times a day," explained product liability. The wireless "Bluetooth" two-way between the insulin pump "Accu-Chek Combo Spirit" and the glucose meter "Accu-Chek Aviva Combo" allows remote control operation and administration of this insulin dose "of quickly and discreetly. " In addition, the patient has "visibility" of the state and activity of the bomb "in the palm of your hand," they said. Thus, the user needs to access the micro-pump for status, which guarantees "the complete discretion of the treatment."Source: Forum Human Health