A The Ultimate Update: super-fast camera, which is the size of a dustbin, is capable of capturing the speed of light, a new study including Indian origin researcher has revealed. The camera can show a bullet-shaped pulse of light travelling from one end of a laboratory flask to another in a fraction of a second but MassachusettsInstitute of Technology (MIT) said that it would take some time for the camera to be commercially available. Researchers at MIT’s ‘blue-sky science’ think tank envision that super-fast photography could benefit mankind within 10 years and could even lead to hand-held medical scanners being used in hospitals. “With our ultra-fast imaging we can actually analyse how the photons are travelling through the world,” the Daily Mail quoted Ramesh Raskar, associate professor of media arts at the MIT Media Lab as telling The Sunday Times. The camera, which captures images at one trillion exposes per second, can also