Deccan Chronicle, ANI , Washington: Modern war fighters may soon be wearing underwear's equipped with sensors, which would not just help in monitoring warriors during combat and identifying critical casualties but also train and select them for missions. Dubbed as 'wear and forget physiological sensing system,' these thinking undergarments may be the next-generation drawers for the modern war-fighter. Gel-free sensors form an electronic network in the fabric to monitor respiration and heart rate, activity, body postureand skin temperature - transmitting that data through the soldiers’ layers of clothing to a central system. The U.S. Army Medical Research and Material Command office (USAMRMC) and the Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) have been working with Foster-Miller and Malden Mills Industries to create the new low-cost knitted undergarments, Discovery News reported. Source: Deccan Chronicle Source: Daily-Protein