Scientists say diamonds could be the secret to mind-bogglingly fast 'quantum computer'

A turbo-charged computer that could change the world forever is a major step closer after scientists worked out how to store memory using quantum physics. Two separate teams of researchers have figured out that quantum information - called quibits - can be stored using either diamond crystals or pure silicone. Scientists are trying to build a quantum computer that could complete in mere minutes the complex calculations that would take the best supercomputers years. Quantum computers would harness a mysterious property of sub-atomic particles that allows them to exist in two different places at once when trapped. Read More WHAT IS A QUANTUM COMPUTER? A quantum computer would use quibits which, based on theories of quantum physics, would be able to exist in more than one state at once - a zero, one and all values in between. A quantum computer would therefore be able to perform calculations in parallel, arriving at the result much, much faster than regular computers. However, working out how to store and manipulate quibits has been a major stumbling block in efforts to develop a quantum computer. The problem is that in order for a quibit to exist, it must be isolated from its surroundings to stop it being destroyed in a process called decoherence. But in order to use a quibit to make calculations, it must be able to interact with other information.One solution that scientists have been exploring is to store the information in an isolated quibit, before transferring it to a more accessible qubit where it can be quickly processed, then returning it back to isolation.A Source: The Coming Crisis